The best of both worlds
Just imagine you are a computer scientist. You love this field, you enjoy to puzzle and try things out, you make and do and you are always happy as a clam at high tide when you have opened a new door in programming. This goes on for several years: you tinker, program, rejoice or get angry. From the very beginning, you work with the fully automatic generation of PDF documents and data. The big disadvantage of the fully automatic system is that most of the documents produced cannot win a beauty prize. And that hurts because you are not blind. A further problem is that you are not only a programming freak, but you have also heard about the golden ratio and the wonders of typography. No, not only heard, you even know a little about it.
What to do? Suffering from pain and helping unattractive, fully automatically generated PDFs into the world? There must be other ways to do it. Tinker, tinker. And you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t succeed. You’ve actually managed this really well. That is what your customers say and honestly - can customers lie?
You surely have already noticed that this story is not just about anyone but about Patrick Gundlach, the managing director of speedata. With the speedata Publisher, he has brought together two worlds: fully automated publishing and aesthetics.
Let us wait and see what else he can think of …